Business Awards Are Great For Business

Business Awards Are Great For Business

Business Awards – Why Should You Enter?

Whether you are a business owner or represent an organisation, winning a business award will be great for you and your business.

We asked previous winners what they thought and why they entered. Here’s what they said:

  • The process makes you stock of what you’ve achieved; reflecting on how far you’ve come and the obstacles you’ve overcome.
  • It helps you to review and assess your business plan and to see if your future plans for development are on track or if they need to be revised.
  • It gives you opportunities to market your involvement and increase awareness of your brand.
  • It’s a chance to network and connect with fellow nominees, entrants, finalists and sponsors – and people who congratulate you.
  • It helps you to attract new customers and sales.
  • It opens opportunities for growth and expansion.
  • It’s a huge confidence boost and great feel-good factor.

Go For Gold!

So, how can you make the most of the experience and increase your chances of winning? Whatever you do, don’t go into it half heartedly. Regardless of whether you have entered yourself or been nominated, make the decision to commit fully. From information events right the way through to the awards ceremony, look to see how you can get involved. Every step of the awards will offer opportunities so grab them with both hands.

  • Find out the information that the awards require – some awards ask for accounts and expect you to know gross profit, ROI etc.
  • Look at what the award is about and how you relate to it. For example, if you are up for a customer service award – show how you go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations. If you have figures showing customer retention, include them. What are your plans to improve the customer experience?
    If you are up for a new business award, include the inspiration and innovation behind the brand. How are you different from your competitors. Show how you explored and reached your target customer audience. How have you grown and what are your plans for the future.
  • Preparation is key. Look at your achievements and decide which are the most important to showcase.
  • Be passionate about what you do and stand out above the crowd.
  • If it’s a written application, showcase yourself and your business. Make it interesting and relevant. Check your spelling.
  • If you have an opportunity for a presentation, practice and be confident (even if you’re trembling in your boots). This is the time to gag the self saboteur and believe that you are the best. It’s time to show the judges that you deserve to win.
  • Be professional – but most importantly, be yourself. You are key to winning.

Shout About Your Success

Get excited! If you’ve been nominated for an award it means that someone has taken the time to put your name forward. They respect and admire what you are achieving – so enjoy it.

Send out a press release. There’s a demand for good news stories, particularly locally but look at how you can attract national attention too. Contact radio stations and newspapers with your news. Take the opportunity to be seen as an expert voice in your sector.

If you get through to the shortlist get the trumpets out and blast the airways with your news! You are already a star!

Make it a winning experience by celebrating at every step along the way. If you win, shout the news from the mountain tops! Even though you will probably be included in press releases, go the extra mile and broadcast your individual success.

Is It Worth The Cost?

Most awards are free to enter. If there is a physical awards ceremony there is usually a cost to attend the awards. Some have an online ceremony and others simply make an announcement online. Some charge extra for a trophy/statue or certificate.

From our own experience, the costs involved to hold an awards ceremony are high. It’s not simply about a venue, meal and trophy. There’s the AV, photographers, lighting rigs, designers, caterers and so much more. The pandemic has made these costs even higher.

However, attending and being part of the awards is a rewarding and inspiring experience and it can be a great opportunity to expand awareness of your brand. If you’re a finalist, don’t miss being at the ceremony – you could miss your own acceptance speech!

Not Everyone Can Be A Winner

Winning isn’t easy. You may have a fantastic business model, offer outstanding products and services, do an incredible job but you’ll compete against other people who will want to win as much as you do. Some will win the first time they enter, some may have to try and try again. It’s pretty obvious that if you’re a winner it is an exhilarating experience but if you don’t win it can be demoralising and disheartening. But it doesn’t have to be that way. It’s up to you – will you let it deflate you? Or will you be inspired by the experience, analyse your weak points and come back again fighting?

The Enterprise Vision Awards Shine The Spotlight On Your Business

Over at Pink Link, we may be a little biased – we think our awards are the best! Established in 2011, the Enterprise Vision Awards are the largest and most prestigious business awards dedicated solely to women held outside London.

This September, the EVAS celebrated a decade of winning women. Ten glorious years of shining the spotlight on outstanding female entrepreneurship in the North West. Recognising and rewarding the successes and achievements of women in business in the region.

We read each and every entry. They inspire, excite and sometimes moves us to tears. There are moments of sadness as not everyone gets through to this point. But, there are also moments of joy at seeing who has made it to the finals.

The excitement builds as each step of the awards process leads towards the glittering awards ceremony where the winners are revealed. The awards are live streamed across the world, enabling friends, family and business leaders to experience the excitement too. The atmosphere is electric and we’re told, time and time again, that nothing compares to the EVAS.

Which Awards Should I Enter?

As well as the EVAS, there are lots of business awards to enter. The Queens Award, national awards, industry awards and many different local awards. We often attend a variety of awards and are always inspired, enlightened and motivated. The Red Rose Awards are a favourite of ours and we’re looking forward to attending their awards this winter.

Take a look at your competitors and see if they have won awards. Which awards will be the best for your business?

Check to see what has happened to previous winners – how did their win affect their business? Did the win contribute to future growth and success.

Other Ways To Get Involved

You can align your brand with the awards through a number of ways. Sponsorship and partnership are the obvious platforms but think outside the box. Get in touch with the organisers and see how you can get involved.

Let Us Know Your Thoughts

We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Do you have a favourite? Is a particular award on your vision board? What does winning an award mean for you and your business?

If you’re a winner, do you have any tips for anyone thinking about entering?

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