Lynne Webster – Baby Bamboo And Beyond

Lynne Webster, creator Baby Bamboo And Beyond believes we can all make a difference to the planet and the environment by making changes, however small.

Lynne Webster runs her Bamboo-products inspired business while balancing the challenges of life as a Wife and Mother of a special needs son. Listen to her very inspiring story at Her Luxury Wellness

Lynne’s interest in the amazing bamboo plant was inspired by attending a workshop for menopausal women and the challenges they face. Due to some of those challenges faced such as hot flushes, bamboo bedding and sleepwear was recommended for comfort.

Bamboo is highly sustainable, eco friendly, naturally pest-resistant, therefore, needs no pesticides and due to the speed that it grows, even after harvesting, there is no need for fertilisers.

Lynne believes Baby Bamboo And Beyond can all make a difference to the planet by making changes, however small. She is proud to be doing her bit for the environment. 

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