Get your business organised before you finish for Christmas!

Did you catch my earlier Blog about the Christmas to-do, well guess what!  Now it’s time to talk about your business to-do ahead of Christmas.

It’s time to be realistic, there are only a few weeks until many of us down tools and take a well-deserved break.

But that might be making you feel a little sick, the thought of what you still need to do in so little time.

Here are my business to-do list tips for the run-up to Christmas!

  • Carry out a business brain dump – it goes without saying, you need to sit still for a moment, grab a pen and paper and get all of those business tasks in your head onto paper.
  • Essential v it’ll have to wait!  Again realistically, we may not be able to do everything.  What needs to be done before you STOP for Christmas and what can wait until the New Year?

Split the list into three:

  • Urgent/Essential – Life or death kind of business tasks, the wheels will fall off the business wagon if it’s not done right?
  • The Inbetweeners – The tasks that you’d like to get done that are not life and death business tasks.
  • Non-Urgent – The tasks that really can wait until New Year, I mean do you really need to order another set of highlighters before Christmas?
  • Diary – Look at your diary, how many weeks are left?
  • Goal setting – Time block realistic goals over those weeks for those Urgent/Essential tasks and go from there.

Maybe you’re thinking about getting organised for the New Year in terms of outsourcing? 

There is no better time to prepare for that than getting in touch and putting something in place for when you return to work. 

Imagine leaving a hectic working life before Christmas knowing that you’ve got a Virtual Assistant lined up to have your back come January?  Amazing right?  Get in touch to have a chat, alternatively, if you fancy a read – check out the rest of my blogs on my website.

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