The Enterprise Vision Awards (EVAs) | Believe In Your Dreams

Hearing the inspiring stories of the women on stage at the Enterprise Vision Awards (EVAs) connected with me on so many levels. They changed themselves; reminding everyone that evening who felt inspired that the biggest block of all is ourselves.

Going to the Enterprise Vision Awards (EVAs), an award celebrating women in business, awakened a part of me that had been dormant for a few years now. I have been so content in being creative and exploring one side of me, which felt good but comfortable. Reality hit me that evening; I had been sitting still in my dreams. Realising where my excuses have reigned supreme, my belief had been.

“I can achieve my dream when the blocks in my life clear away.”

Summarising that those blocks are there because that is just what happens when there is an acknowledgement of potential so they have a way to keep it imprisoned.

Being creative has felt like a way of feeling free to be me. As I looked at the efforts made to celebrate these women, I realised what I consider blocks may always remain in the energy that they project. I may always consider them to be moulded in such a way even if they change shape; it is my perception. We attract those blocks in our life to be just that because we recognise comfort in our sense of limitation. Focusing on things for what we cannot change and feeling powerless in the life we created becomes part of the pattern of life itself.

The thing is, we do have power. The power over change within ourselves and allowing it to be reflected into our environment. Hearing the inspiring stories of the women on stage connected with me on so many levels. They changed themselves; they broke through the conditioning of the same story that we all know too well. Reminding everyone that evening who felt inspired that the biggest block of all is ourselves. The fear of connecting with the energy and force required to achieve what we want to do. Feeling like we would be the only one who can see the vision. Fearing the responsibility of remaining in a higher vibration than the current setting, and fearing the pressure of what comes with success. Seeing the path taken by those women who were brave enough to share their story; reminded me to focus on the path that can be created and not the obstacles that have always been there.

Changing the resonance of our vibration takes effort, time and focus. The first point of call is to recognise who is the narrator of our story, then grab that pen, let it feel like determination and write your next chapter.

Read my blog here.

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